
Frequentist Stopping Rules

Robert Neal

Stopping rules are what make most frequentist (a.k.a. classical) statistical tests valid. Unsurprisingly, they tell you when to stop an experiment, and equally unsurprising, they are rules that must be followed in order to get statistically valid experiments from statistical tests that depend on them. However, despite stopping rules being critical to the interpretation of […]

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JSON and the Confusion of Formats in Big Data

Yongjia Wang

In the era of big data, the choices of data formats are dazzling, and the concept of data format itself can be confusing. Our data platform team found it helpful to breakdown this topic based on the three major stages in the life cycle of data: in-memory representation (logical format), on-the-wire serialization (exchange format), and […]

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New Executable Jar Plugin Available for Apache Maven

Hunter Payne

The gap between development and production environments https://github.com/creditkarma/maven-exec-jar-plugin The Maven executable jar plugin was made at Credit Karma by developers who wanted their local environment to match their application’s production environment. In other deployment formats used by Java/Scala apps, jars are smashed together into either one “uber” jar or zipped into a file that must be uncompressed […]

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