
Making an Impact as an Intern: Building Web Push Notifications

Luba Kravchenko

When I started at Credit Karma, it was my first internship outside of Toronto. As a Computer Science student at the University of Waterloo, I have the opportunity to complete six internships; Credit Karma has been my third. So having done this two times before I had learned one very important thing: what you get […]

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How Engineering Rotation Programs Can Help Teams Scale

Shawn Doria

Working at a fast growing company while tackling high visibility, cross-functional projects can be challenging to navigate as an engineer. Teams easily become siloed. Knowledge and expertise can be slow to spread among many groups. The rapid growth and blurring of interactions between tools and services drive us to collaborate more so we can innovate […]

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The Meaning of Impact

Matt Greenberg

As a programmer, I often over-quantified my own impact. I wanted opportunities where I could do big things. This desire for impact was a part of the reason why I headed down a management track. I felt like the opportunities for me were only available through the ownership that comes implicit in management. This was […]

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