
Optimizing CircleCI

While it is always important to think about time and cost efficiency, some issues are only noticeable with scale and increased complexity. Build systems like CircleCI offer many configurations but reach their limitations in the context of a mono repo. This article will provide you with a better understanding of these limitations, and show you […]

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A Framework for Interrupting Bias – Within Oneself, With Another, and Amongst Others

. “Movements don’t emerge because everyone suddenly decides to face the same direction at once…they rely on social patterns that begin as the habit of friendship, grow through the habits of communities, and are sustained by new habits that change participants’ sense of self.” Charles Duhigg, The Power of Habit (New York:Random House Publishing Group: […]

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Getting Started with GCP Identity Management

Saleh Sedighi

Building products and services using Google Cloud Platform (GCP) has been a big ingredient in  Credit Karma’s hyper growth. GCP’s PaaS and SaaS offerings allow teams and individuals to focus on their real goal and deliverables vs building and maintaining infrastructure components from scratch. Leveraging GCP is very straightforward in pet projects and POCs. But […]

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Identity-Aware Encryption

Danny Zion

As architectures become more complex, hackers become more sophisticated and security becomes more important — and so data protection must evolve to meet the challenge. In the beginning, it may have been enough to encrypt just the disk, database or use application level encryption. But now, if you’re dealing with PII or other sensitive data, […]

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Embedded Web Apps at Credit Karma

Hannaha Lee

The good things on the front end: EWAs Credit Karma’s cornerstone mission is to champion financial progress for all. From an engineering perspective, this means ensuring a seamless experience from start to finish.  So when we discovered that some of our members were experiencing delays when viewing web content on native platforms, our front-end and […]

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Microservices: From REST to Thrift and GraphQL

Volodymyr Ladnik

Microservices architecture is very popular these days, and is coming into increasing use at Credit Karma. While there are many reasons to develop microservices, their use comes with a number of potential pitfalls. This article describes a couple of those drawbacks and what we’re doing about them. Our first microservices presented REST APIs. REST provides […]

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Value-Driven Software Documentation

Jim Haungs

Documentation is a tough sell to software engineers. We want to invent amazing features and write code, and when we finish doing that, we want to do it some more. We don’t want to take the time to sit down and actually describe what we’ve done. But if we don’t, how is anyone else — […]

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